The Columbia River Gorge Commission is almost certain to vote Tuesday on a complex proposal that has consumed a vast quantily of staff time and resources for two years.
of The Dalles Chronicle
On April 1, 2006, the commission toured the former Broughton Lumber Company mill site along Highway 14 next to the Spring Creek Hatchery and its adjoining park.
The event was billed as a “request for pre-application advice on plan amendment concept to amend the Commercial Recreation land use designation to allow redevelopment of the Broughton Lumber Company property.”
Owners of the Broughton property have sought to modify the Management Plan of the National Scenic Area to allow conversion of the mill property to a destination resort.
The measure has been supported by local governments and economic development groups, and opposed by environmentalists and some windsurfers.
At its March meeting, the commission closed public testimony on the subject, after carrying over testimony from its February meeting, which devoted the majority of its time to the subject.
Tuesday’s meeting will only allow new testimony if commissioners vote to make any language changes to several proposed amendments to the amendment itself, but supporters of both postions are still expected to show up in great numbers.
The meeting will be held at Rock Creek Recreation Center, 710 SW Rock Creek Drive, Stevenson, Wash.
Discussion by the commission on the Broughton subject is scheduled to begin at approximately 9:30 a.m.