Review and Download the following documents (PDF)
The following project documents address various aspects of the Broughton Landing project. These files are working documents and may be updated periodically.
Broughton Landing Overview Handout
Summary of Broughton Landing Master Plan with color illustrated proposed site plan.
(File and Format information: 5.2 MB, 2-sided, color 11″x17″, landscape, 2 pages)
Broughton Landing Master Plan – Interactive PDF
Master plan document explaining the Broughton Landing resort proposal in detail.
(File and Format information: 3.13 MB, 2-sided, color 8 1/2″x11″ with 4 11″x17″ fold-outs, 46 pages)
Broughton Landing Site Analysis
Report summarizing findings from initial planning charette including site analysis, focus groups, and goals and objectives.
(File and Format information: 6.7 MB, single-sided, landscape, color, 11″x17″, 18 pages)
Market Impact – Economic Analysis
Memo summarizing economic feasibility analysis of Broughton Landing proposal.
(File and Format information: 96.8 KB, single-sided, portrait, black and white 8 1/2″x11″, 6 pages)
Background on Peterson Economics’ Analysis
The redevelopment planning process for the old lumber mill site began with a series of focus groups in the fall of 2005 to address the question: “what should this Commercial Recreation-zoned former industrial site become?” Out of these focus groups developed the vision that the site should become “a base camp for outdoor recreation in the Gorge.” To transform this overarching vision into a specific development program around which a master plan could be developed, Broughton Lumber Company hired Peterson Economics, the leading resort economist in the Pacific Northwest. Peterson Economics completed this assignment, documenting it’s findings in “A Preliminary Market And Financial Analysis For A Proposed New Second-Home/Resort Development On The Broughton Landing Site In The Columbia River Gorge”.
Like all consultants, Peterson Economics uses the terminology and technical jargon of the industry it serves. As an economics firm working for the resort real estate development industry, Peterson Economics’ report contains terms like “residential units”. In the context of this report, the term “residential unit” means any unit of overnight accommodation that can be sold to buyers as a condominium and rented as short-term accommodations by the resort’s operator to resort guests. This term also applies to such product types as fractionally-owned units and even condo hotel units. At the time this report was written, Broughton had proposed that a minority of these units would have unrestricted occupancy and the majority of the units would have permanent occupancy restrictions. The executive summary of the Peterson Economics report can be found here.
Economic Impact Analysis
Report analyzing impacts from proposed resort on local economy, addressing concerns related to the second purpose of the Scenic Area Act.
(File and Format information: 326 KB, single-sided, portrait, black and white 8 1/2″x11″, 19 pages)
Background on SE Group’s Economics’ Analysis
In the fall of 2005, following a series of focus groups, an Advisory Committee was convened to plan redevelopment for the old lumber mill site. One key concern raised by members of the project Advisory Committee at the October 24 meeting was potential conflict with the second purpose of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Act (PUBLIC LAW 99-663-NOV. 17, 1986). The Scenic Area Act gives clear direction for commercial development in the Gorge: it is to be encouraged to locate within the 13 Urban Areas identified by Congress. The Act directs the Gorge Commission to “protect and support the economy of the Columbia River Gorge area by encouraging growth to occur in existing urban areas and by allowing future economic development in a manner that is consistent with” protecting and enhancing scenic, cultural, recreational, and natural resources [Section 3(2)].
To address this concern, SE GROUP evaluated potential economic impacts that development of Broughton Landing could have on the Gorge and its existing urban areas and businesses. As a result, this report focused on the existing nearby Urban Areas of White Salmon and Bingen, Washington and Hood River, Oregon.
Like all consultants, SE Group uses the terminology and technical jargon of the industry it serves. As a resort planning and design firm primarily serving the resort real estate development industry, SE Group’s report contains terms like “residential units”. In the context of this report, the term “residential unit” means any unit of overnight accommodation that can be sold to buyers and rented as short-term accommodations by the resort’s operator to resort guests. This term also applies to fractionally-owned units and even condo hotel units.
The report determined that Broughton Landing would have positive effects on tourism and visitation to the general area. As a totally new type of resource-based recreation development for the Gorge, the report concluded Broughton Landing will attract new visitors domestically and internationally without adversely impacting nearby communities like White Salmon and Bingen. According to the report, 288 construction jobs with a combined payroll of $30 million would be created during construction. This will be followed by 60 permanent jobs with annual property and lodging tax contributions well over $1 million and an annual influx to the local economy of nearly $8 million of visitor spending. SE Group’s Economic Impact Analysis report can be found here.
Project summary addressing economic impacts including Mechanisms to limit permanent occupancy and regional economic benefits. (File and Format information: 962 KB; double-sided, portrait, 11″ x 17″, color, 1 page)
Survey report documenting absence of threatened and endangered plants and lack of high quality ecosystem acreage within the redevelopment area. (File and Format information: 117 KB; single-sided, portrait, 8 ½” x 11″, black and white, 6 pages)
Guidelines to protect existing native plants and enhance the unique natural context of the site through preservation, weed management and restoration. (File and Format information: 60 KB; single-sided, portrait, 8 ½” x 11″, black and white, 1 page)
Memo summarizing review of natural resource requirements and site conditions for wetlands, streams and wildlife habitat. (File and Format information: 50 KB; single-sided, portrait, 8 ½” x 11″, black and white, 2 pages)
Guidelines to reduce fire risks through fuel load management, firewise landscaping, fire-resistant building design, and on-site fire equipment. (File and Format information: 30 KB; single-sided, portrait, 8 ½” x 11″, black and white, 2 pages)